SBC met with representatives of the US Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labour. During the session, discussions were held on the human rights situation and the violations taking place in Syria, particularly in Idlib and the northwest. Representatives of the Syrian British Council also gave updates on the humanitarian situation and the severe sufferings caused by the recent Regime offensive in Idlib. SBC presented various priorities in relation to civilians protection in this region discussing the responsibility of the international community to act accordingly. Those priorities include using all available means to stop the Syrian regime atrocities and advances in Idlib region, ensuring access and funding of humanitarian assistance to the affected population, and liaising with the relevant stakeholders for long term solutions that could more stability to the region. We also discussed the economic sanctions against the Syrian regime, the dimensions of those sanctions and the plan of the US to continue them in a way that mitigates their negative effects on the Syrian people and makes them more targeted against the perpetrators. During the meeting, SBC's strategy and key work areas were presented, in regards to lobbying, accountability, and advocacy. We presented our role in drawing the attention of the UK Government and the British people to issues pertaining to the Syrian conflict as well as those affecting the Syrian people.
